Shopping basket deutsch

There are 13 items in your shopping basket.

1. 1 Bebek, Željko - Dueti - CD Croatia Records EUR 7.00 Delete
2. 1 Haustor - Treći svijet - LP Croatia Records EUR 31.00 Delete
3. 1 Parni Valjak i Prijatelji - Dovoljno je reći... Aki – @ Arena Zagreb - 2CD Croatia Records EUR 15.75 Delete
4. 1 Pađen, Jurica & Aerodrom - Dnevni rituali - CD Croatia Records EUR 5.00 Delete
5. 1 Perfect - Symfonicznie - 2CD Metal Mind Productions EUR 10.50 Delete
6. 1 Rock and Jokes Extempore Band, The - Ebonitový samotář & Dům č.p. 112/34 – Radimovka - 2CD Black Po EUR 15.00 Delete
7. 1 Skrzek, Jan “Kyks” - Modlitwa bluesmana w pociągu - LP Metal Mind Productions EUR 12.00 Delete
8. 1 Tziganes Ivanovitch, Les (Cigani Ivanovići) - Amaro kher - LP RTV Ljubljana EUR 6.00 Delete
9. 1 Ungar, Miro & Kaplowitz / Križić Quartet - Nice and Jazzy – Live at Kontesa - CD Croatia Records EUR 12.75 Delete
10. 1 Už Jsme Doma & Randy - Moravské setkání / Moravian Meeting - 2LP Papagájův Hlasatel Records EUR 52.75 Delete
11. 1 Veliki Prezir - Ruka bez povratka - CD B 92 EUR 5.00 Delete
12. 1 Výběr - Výběr - LP Supraphon EUR 28.00 Delete
13. 1 Za Siódmą Górą - Rogalów – Piosenki ku pokrzepieniu serc - CD Obuh EUR 11.00 Delete
  Goods value:EUR 211.75 

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