Niemen, Czesław

  • Format: CD
  • Band: Niemen, Czesław
  • Title: Katharsis
  • Band's Origin: PL
  • Style: Avant-garde, instrumental
  • Rating: 2
  • Release Year: 2023
  • Recording Year: 1975
  • Production Year: 1976/2023
  • Record Company: Warner Music Poland
  • Item's Number: 50541 9 77373 3 6
  • Color of the Label:
  • Edition:
  • Extras: Super Audio CD
  • EAN: 5054197737336
  • Weight: 107 g
  • Visual: new
  • Acoustic:
  • Cover: new

Warner Music Poland Release Information

The album “Katharsis” (SACD Hybrid) by Czesław Niemen in a limited edition, in the series “Polskie Nagrania Catalogue Selections”. This is the first edition of this album in the SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc) format. The choice of this format is a nod to audiophiles.

This album was to sound completely different. It was to be recorded as a duet with the barely 22-year-old percussionist Piotr Dziemski, who had played with Czesław Niemen on the album Aerolit. On 29 March 1975, the young musician died. It was then that Niemen decided to record everything himself and to create a concept-album dealing with the pitfalls of the development of civilisation based on a science-fiction story with strongly philosophical accents.

For the recordings, Czesław Niemen used, among others, Minimoog and Synthi EMS synthesisers and a mellotron. He also used harpsichord, guitar and percussion instruments and flutes.

The author of the lyrics of “Z listu do M.” (From a letter to M.) and “Epitafium” (Epitaph) is Czesław Niemen. The pieces “Planeta Ziemia” (Planet Earth), “Fatum” (Fate) and “Katharsis” provided the musical illustration for Juliusz Słowacki’s play “Mindowe” directed by Bernard Ford Hanaoka.


1. Odkrycie nowej galaktyki 2:15
2. Mleczna Droga 3:17
3. Planeta Ziemia 6:49
4. Fatum 2:25
5. Pieczęć 2:54
6. Z listu do M. 4:50
7. Próba ucieczki 2:40
8. Katharsis 4:49
9. Epitafium (pamięci Piotra) 4:06
10. Dorożką na Księżyc 5:20