Novák, Petr
12 nej – Originální nahrávky

  • Format: LP
  • Band: Novák, Petr
  • Title: 12 nej – Originální nahrávky
  • Band's Origin: CS
  • Style: Beat & Rock, compilation
  • Rating: 4
  • Release Year: 2020
  • Recording Year: 1967-1983
  • Production Year: 1986/2020
  • Record Company: Supraphon
  • Item's Number: SU 6701-1
  • Color of the Label: black
  • Edition: 2020
  • Extras: inner sleeve
  • EAN: 099925670115
  • Weight: 246 g
  • Visual: new
  • Acoustic:
  • Cover: new

Supraphon Release Information

Greatest hits on vinyl!

At the beginning of September we will commemorate the seventy-fifth birthday of singer and composer Petr Novak. His songs belong to the golden fund of our beat music, but also to the memory of all those who lived through the musical 60s. “Náhrobní kámen” (Tombstone), “Já budu chodit po špičkách” (I Will Walk on Tiptoe), “Povídej” (Talkl) or “Klaunova zpověď” (Clown’s Confession) are more than just tones and words, they are a sign of the times.

In 1986, the singer himself selected 12 songs that he considered the most historically famous or important. Supposedly, due to the failure to find the original recordings, new versions were made, certainly interesting, but capturing Novak and the band in a different age and technical equipment. The present LP therefore preserves the selection and order of the dozen hallowed recordings, but offers original versions of songs with the hallmark of romantic boyhood and the fervor of rock’s early days.

The 12 songs in all are thus a record not only of musical evolution but also of the life of a man with a voice seemingly ordinary and a lyrical repertoire seemingly ill-suited to a lanky physique. The loves in his songs, moreover, were rarely entirely happy, but nonetheless unceremoniously true, and therefore also with staying power to this day.

Full album including CD bonuses:


Side A

1. Náhrobní kámen – ℗ 1967 3:49
2. Toreador se nesmí bát – Recorded 1968, ℗ 1969 2:43
3. Dětský oči – Recorded 1969, ℗ 1970 4:04
4. Hvězdičko blýskavá –℗ 1982 3:31
5. Já budu chodit po špičkách – ℗ 1967 2:17
6. Pokoj č. 26 – ℗ 1968 2:29

Side B

1. Povídej – ℗ 1967 2:03
2. Přátelství na n-tou – ℗ 1983 4:12
3. Co je to láska – Recorded 1977, ℗ 1978 2:23
4. Hádíth – Recorded 1969, ℗ 1970 4:52
5. Klaunova zpověď – ℗ 1968 4:05
6. Takovej je svět – Recorded 1969, ℗ 1970 4:29