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Plastic People of the Universe, The
Maska za maskou / The Mask behind the Mask
- Format: CD
- Band: Plastic People of the Universe, The
- Title: Maska za maskou / The Mask behind the Mask
- Band's Origin: CS
- Style: psychedelic Rock, Underground Rock
- Rating: 4
- Release Year: 2009
- Recording Year: 2009
- Production Year: 2009
- Record Company: Guerilla Records
- Item's Number: GR 070-2
- Color of the Label:
- Edition:
- Extras:
- EAN: 8594156570705
- Weight: 108 g
- Visual: new
- Acoustic:
- Cover: new
Guerilla Records Release Information
After eight years (the last time in 2001, the CD “Líně s tebou spím” (I Sleep Lazily with You) was released), the more than one-hour CD “Maska za maskou” (Mask behind the mask) is out. It was recorded in two stages during this year (summer and autumn 2009) in David Koller’s Cox studio and contains 13 tracks, some of which are slowly becoming the backbone of the band’s regular live shows.
They have been written by Joe Karafiát, Eva Turnová and Josef Janíček, the lyrics are dominated by the poetry of Vratislav Brabenec, but there are also poems by J.H. Krchovský, Ivan Jirous, Andrej Stankovič and Jiří Kolář, and one piece is an improvisation with Brabenec’s litanic voice dominating. Some of the songs very familiarly evoke the spirit of the “old” Plastic, but some are different, just as today is a different band and a different time.
For the CD cover, the band chose a photograph of themselves at the National Theatre in front of the Hynais Curtain, and few things could better express the title of the CD, Mask Behind the Mask – who would have thought twenty years ago that the “sinniest” Czechoslovakian band would one day conquer the shrine of Czech culture. Some masks have fallen off, but today many are putting on different ones. In short, “mask after mask after mask after mask” (as sung in one of the songs)...
1. TV idylka / TV Idyll 5:42
2. Marie, vstávej / Mary, Get up 4:44
3. Maska / The Mask 4:10
4. Cizí vlasy / Someone’s Hair 4:58
5. Non stop Opera / Non Stop Opera 3:36
6. Pojď / Come on 4:36
7. Je večer mlha padá / Evening Fog Is Falling 4:46
8. Smrt / Death 4:42
9. Pod křížem zůstaly ženy / The Women Stayed beneath the Cross 4:20
10. Magorův šém / Magor’s Shem 4:54
11. Jednou nohou / Vůl hvězda ranní / One Foot / Ox Morning Star 6:21
12. Přes práh hvězd… / Over the Threshold of Stars 3:28
13. Tygr v Praze / Tiger in Prague 2:00